Without hosting, no one can see your website. To get your website online, you need to marry up your Gdsyn hosting with a domain name and then upload your content. Easy, right? Right, thanks to: 1-click setup, generous storage & ultra-fast bandwidth, easy, on-the-fly resource upgrades and 24/7 security monitoring.
So you’re not quite ready to take on the entire internet just yet? No problem, you can take advantage of the benefits of your domain by creating custom email addressed using your Email Hosting solutions. While your domain URL will not display any content, you could have up to 250 customised and unique email addresses, with a large amount of hosting space to securely store your businesses electronic communication. You’ll also receive FREE webmail access, which you can access from anywhere in the world.
Once you’re ready to get more out of your domain, you can easily upgrade to one of our awesome Classic or Premium hosting solutions and get your website up and running.
Up to 20 free mailboxes, R50.00 per year per mailbox therafter, unlimited storage!
If you’re new to the world of web hosting, our integrated packages are the best place to start. Even though our prices will barely scratch your budget, you’ll still receive a powerful web hosting platform to host your web content and your email.
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